The Top SEO Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

In no way, I wish to conclude the future of SEO in 2023 by writing this post. The sole objective of penning this article is to start a discussion around the top SEO trends in 2023, which SEO experts should follow. 

Top SEO trends in 2018

Have your SEO strategies have brought you success in 2018?

Are you able to get the desired ROI of your SEO campaigns?

Great if your answer is Yes.

Kudos! You’re up-to-date in terms of the latest SEO trends.

But the question is,

Are you ready to rock in 2023?

In today’s post, I’m going to discuss the top SEO trends in 2023, which you must follow. 

After reading this post, you will know how to execute a successful SEO strategy in 2023.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Here are the top six SEO trends that, I believe, will dominate in 2023.  

1- Mobile SEO

Mobiel SEO_SEO trends in 2018

Needless to say, we are addicted to our mobile phones.

For many people, a mobile phone is the first thing they check in the morning after getting up. Also, it is the last thing they check before going to bed.

There is no surprise that nearly 60 percent of searches are now from mobile devices. And the number is growing faster.

What’s more, Google’s plan can surprise you.

According to Google Webmaster blog,

“To make our results more useful, we’ve begun experiments to make our index mobile-first. Although our search index will continue to be a single index of websites and apps, our algorithms will eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages from that site.”

What does all this mean?

Mobile SEO is going to be a high priority in 2023.

As an SEO expert, you should plan your marketing strategy keeping the mobile SEO in the mind.

Here are a few best practices that will help you excel at mobile SEO:

  • Leverage browser caching, minify code and reduce redirects to boost page speed
  • Never block, images, CSS, or JavaScript
  • Have a mobile-friendly website
  • Don’t use pop-ups and Flash
  • Use structured data

Mobile SEO, in my opinion, will dominate SEO trends in 2023.


According to a study,

“Nearly 30% of the Google results have featured snippets.”

Do Google’s featured snippets steal traffic?

Yes, my friend, they do.

Eric Enge found 20-30% increase in traffic for while the company held the featured snippet for the query.

I believe that Google will include more featured snippets in its results in the coming year.

You should focus on writing content that strands a chance of being featured in Google snippets.

How can you write such type of content?

Here are a few tips to do so:

  • Find out questions that your audience is asking and include them in your content
  • Create high-quality, snipp-able content
  • Have question and answer pages on your website
  • Engagement metrics play an important role in getting content featured in Google Snippets

You must understand that it is not easy to decode Google’s Featured Snippets. What you can do is to write useful content that answers to your audience’s questions.

I have written a detailed post on it. You can read it here – Google’s Featured Snippet: How to Write Content That Features

Google’s Featured Snippets and quick answers is another important SEO trend that you should watch in 2023.

3- Voice Search Optimization

voice search_SEO trends in 2018

Voice search is the next big thing that will dominate in 2023.

If I say voice search optimization will be among the top 5 SEO trends in 2023, I wouldn’t be exaggerating the fact.


“Google says 20 percent of mobile queries are voice searches”, reported in an article published in Search Engine Journal.

What’s more,

Data from MindMeld’s research suggested that 40 percent of smartphone owners started using voice in just the past six months.

The Internet Trends Report 2016, suggested the increasing momentum for voice search.

All of these stats make a point that the coming year will have lots of focus on voice search optimization.

How can you optimize your website for voice search?

Here are a few tips on optimizing a website for voice search in 2023:

  • Think about how people speak and maintain that tone in your content
  • Include question phrases in your content
  • Emphasize semantics
  • Use a great deal of Schema Metadata
  • Optimize your local listing
  • Focus on mobile and increase site speed

Read this step-by-step guide to know more about How to Optimize Your Website for Google Voice Search.

4- Emphasis on Content Marketing & Social Media

content marketing and social media

All SEO experts will give more emphasis to content marketing and social media in 2023.


Most people have become marketing averse, and the traditional ways of marketing are not bringing a good return on investment.

Content marketing by virtue of helping customers make informed-decisions offers good ROI. That’s why more and more businesses are adopting content marketing.

By combining content marketing with search engine optimization, you can get more qualified leads.

Here are the top five ways to create content that will generate more links for you in 2023:

These tips will help you earn tons of links in 2023.

In my opinion, SEO experts will have a strong focus on social media too. Though it’s not certain that social media links directly support SEO or not, strong social media presence indirectly offer many benefits to brands.

Social media can be a great source of direct traffic to your website. Many brands are getting tons of traffic through social media.

I have a strong belief that content marketing and social media both will be among the top SEO trends in 2023.

5- AI and Machine Learning

There has been lots of buzz for AI and machine learning in the recent few years.

What is it and how will it impact SEO industry in 2023?

Before we get into what it is and how it is going to change SEO industry in 2023, let’s first talk about what AI and machine learning are.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science of creating intelligent machines that work/react like humans and successfully complete the tasks such as speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem-solving, etc.

Machine learning allows a computer to learn without explicitly programmed.

We cannot complete a post about the top SEO trends in 2023 without writing about how AI and machine learning will impact SEO.

Here is what Larry has proposed a new SEO ranking model based on AI and machine learning in his article on Search Engine Land.

The new ranking model

As Google uses a machine learning technology called RankBrain to help deliver search results.

Here are what will help you adapt for RankBrain:

  • Create high-quality content that satisfies end user’s intent
  • Provide your end users with positive content experience
  • Create useful content
  • Optimize your content for voice search

AI and machine learning is an important SEO trend that you should watch in 2023.

6- User Experience

user experience

Needless to say, the SEO landscape has changed drastically in the last few years. And the trend is continuing.

Search engines are increasingly focusing on user experience.

As rightly pointed out by David Freeman in his article on Search Engine Land,

“To keep pace, agencies and marketers must broaden their SEO approach by placing a much greater focus on UX across the full range of owned assets.”

How can you improve the user experience of your website?

Here are a few tips:

  • Install heatmap to know how users are behaving on your website
  • Don’t publish irrelevant content
  • Improve your site speed so that users don’t abandon your website out of frustration
  • Use visually appealing color theme and easy-to-follow navigation on your website
  • Make your website mobile-friendly

Consider these points while creating SEO strategy to get high ranking in search results.

User experience will be among the top SEO trends in 2023.


The SEO industry is always changing. Each year brings new trends, phasing out old ones. The year 2023 is no exception to it.

In the next year, we are going to witness that the focus will be on mobile SEO, featured snippets, voice search optimization, content marketing, social media, user experience, and AI and machine learning. With Google continuously trying to mimic human mind, SEO experts will have increased focus on end users.

What about you?

Do you want to add anything to this top SEO trends in 2023 list?

Do share it in the comment section. I would love to know about it.

35 thoughts on “The Top SEO Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

  1. Roma Amarnani says:

    In the point, User Experience, at one point you have mentioned “Don’t publish relevant content” which I think is a typo but if it’s not then can you explain how user experience can be improved by not publishing relevant content.

    -Thank you

  2. Soumya Roy says:

    Fantastic post Lalit. These are going to be the really interesting factors to watch in 2018 and onward. Voice search and Artificial Intelligence are going to change the way we interact with Search Engines and how we optimize pages for those. Having Structured Data especially Schema on pages helps Search Engines a lot to understand and index contents better. Good and well formatted on-page contents, quality inbound links and faster mobile friendly websites pay off a lot in ranking and traffic.

    Soumya Roy
    Founder & Lead SEO Coach

  3. Joel Huang says:

    This article is great and informative. I have recently just started learning about SEO and online marketing, which I am applying to my blog, and I am learning quite a lot from your website. Thanks for sharing . . . I definitely will be back here!

  4. shailesh shakya says:

    These SEO tips are really helpful. As SEO is the concern we always need to pace with the trend. Because SEO is dynamic and changes accordingly. So we can’t just stick with 2017’s SEO.

    Your article is really helpful I’ve enjoyed reading your article. Thanks for sharing…

  5. Daisy Morton says:

    A very informative blog Lalit. Being an SEO myself I found the blog very interesting and informative. Incorporating the points mentioned will definitely improve traffic to my website. And I am sure the six SEO trends that are mentioned will undoubtedly dominate in 2018.

  6. Ariana Smith says:


    I have read and see that this article is short, relevant and make me sense what you are trying to make understand to your readers. This is a great SEO prediction article.

    Thank you for share this awesome article.

  7. Manoar Molla says:

    This is very informative article for pro as well as newbie webmaster. I just wanna say, it is outstanding article for this year.

    Thank you for sharing the great predication article.

  8. Ananthi Mathur says:

    I like how you cut through all the fluff and perfectly summed up the factors that matter most. I’d like to lay emphasis on relevance with googles new announcement of rank brain (googles AI that understands the meaning behind and the semantics of the words that you use in your content) to gauge how relevant your content is. I’d say mobile optimization, featured snippets and voice search should get the highest preference. Engaging relevant content is always a must. Keep posting and cheers!

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